2016年12月19日 星期一

[人像] 分身之時 Petite Models (6)

分身之時 Petite Models (5) -2

Wedding in the Sunset 美麗與哀愁

Model: Nichole
(Kizuna Yumeno 夢乃きずな, Smart Doll)

" She captured a feeling
Sky with no ceiling
Sunset inside a frame
She lives in her liqour
and died with a flicker“

-- La La Land 樂來樂愛你

Canon EF 50mm F1.2L
Canon Speedlites + LED Bulbs

3K尺寸展示在 韶華如焰
3K-sized image displayed in The Flare of Time

分身之時 Petite Models (5) -2

[註1] 「分身之時」語出電影 你的名字 (君的名字)

[註2] Background: water painting by myself and mixed with a photo
