2016年10月28日 星期五

[水族] 水族館快拍 Aquarium Snapshot (7)

Aquarium Snapshot (10) - The Flare in the Water

龍魚, Arowana
Canon EF 40mm F2.8 STM

4K尺寸展示在 韶華如焰
4K-sized image displayed in The Flare of Time

Aquarium Snapshot (10) - mobile phone wallpaper ver.  9 : 16

Click on the above image to download the wallpaper for mobile phones (9:16)


This was the first time i am allowed to shot freely in a aquarium store. Many thanks for the kindness of the owner and his partner of the store. I am so used to have controls over the lighting when i work in my studio, however, in this case, i was told NOT to use any flash whatsoever, because which will scare the arowana fish jumping out of the water, most likely to hit the light tubes above the tank, lowering the selling price from something like 10,000 to 100, or 0, if the fish was toast. The challenge is... there are sorts of light mixing together in a typical aquarium store and, inevitably, bouncing around in the water and glasses of the tanks and of your lens. Time is ticking, fishes are moving. It's the moment of the truth while the fishes are laughing their shit off realizing that you are in deep trouble you've asked for yourself.

It's the perfect time to use my brain, rather than my fingers, to get my salvation. What'd you do?

2016年10月26日 星期三

[水族] 水族館快拍 Aquarium Snapshot (6)

Aquarium Snapshot (9) - Dance of Fire in the Water

龍魚, Arowana
Canon EF 40mm F2.8 STM

4K尺寸展示在 韶華如焰
4K-sized image displayed in The Flare of Time

Aquarium Snapshot (9) - mobile phone wallpaper ver. 9:16

Click on the above image to download the wallpaper for mobile phones (9:16)

2016年10月25日 星期二

2016年10月24日 星期一

2016年10月23日 星期日

2016年10月19日 星期三

2016年10月13日 星期四

[特寫] Betta 暹羅鬥魚 (7)

Betta (Siamese fighting fish) 暹羅鬥魚 (7) - 4K

Betta (Siamese fighting fish) 暹羅鬥魚

Canon EF 180mm F3.5L Macro

(背景是我水彩手繪 + texture)

4K尺寸展示在 韶華如焰
4K-sized image displayed in The Flare of Time

2016年10月2日 星期日