2012年8月23日 星期四

[特寫] Canon EOS-1D X Wallpaper (1)

Canon EOS-1D X Self-made Wallpaper (1) - 1280px [1.6:1] PC ver.

Canon EOS-1D X + Canon EF 50mm F1.2L
(PC/NB version)

Canon EF 180mm F3.5L Macro
Canon Speedlite 430EX, 430EX II x 2
Canon Speedlite 580EX, 580EX II
One continuous light

Download 1280 x 800 wallpaper for NB [1.6: 1]

Download 2280 x 1425 wallpaper for NB [1.6: 1]

Canon EOS-1D X Self-made Wallpaper (1) - iPad2 ver.
Canon EOS-1D X + Canon EF 50mm F1.2L
(New iPad version)

Download 2280 x 1425 wallpaper for New iPad [1.6: 1]

[註 Remark]
移動式的顯示器例如新iPad、手機會加強影像的對比,造成這張桌布裡的相機底部與背景難以辨視。 這邊提供的new iPad版本桌布降低了對比以減輕這種現象。

Mobile devices like New iPad or cellphone enhance the image contrast, which blends the lower part of EOS-1D X body into the background in the above wallpapers. The New iPad version of wallpaper alleviates the conrast to bring the lower camera body back.

Canon EOS-1D X Wallpaper     (1)    (2)*    (3)    (4)    

SOME RIGHTS RESERVED: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Creative Commmons
相片授權條件: 姓名標示-非商業用途-禁止修改
